Privacy Policy Introduction

The administrator of your personal data is BEVELI a Limited Liability Company (also referred to as "us", "we", "our", "BEVELI") registered at 27 Jana Pawla II Avenue in Warsaw, Poland 00-867 . Our Privacy Policy applies to your use of any on-line service that includes a link to this Privacy Policy.  It also includes all features, content, and other services that we own, control, or make available, collectively referred to as the “Service”.

By using this website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not accept these terms, you are directed to discontinue accessing or using the Web site or any materials obtained from it.

BEVELI reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy or practices. Please review these policies on a regular basis.

We’re serious about protecting your data. This Privacy Policy explains:

  • what information is collected by us
  • why we collect this information
  • where we got your personal data from
  • how we use the data we collect
  • your right to withdraw consent regarding our processing of such information
  • whether we share your personal data
  • how we protect your data
  • information on our use of cookies.

What data we collect

The information is collected by us only after you have given us your consent and only for our legitimate purposes. You remain the owner of your data.


We’re committed to using your personal data responsibly and lawfully. Here’s what we do with it:

  • When you browse our website, the personal data that we collect includes your IP address, time of your visit, time spent on site, pages you viewed, browser information, keypresses, mouse movements and operating system and version information. We always ensure that we have a lawful basis for processing the personal data that we collect. In this case, the lawful basis for processing your data when you browse our website is that we have a legitimate interest to understand how people are using our website in order to improve the experience for all of our website visitors. We collect your personal data using Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel.
  • The personal data we collect when you purchase from us includes your first name, last name, email address, telephone number, billing and delivery addresses. The lawful basis for collecting this data is to process, ship, and communicate with you in regards to your order.
  • If you sign up to one of our mailing lists, the personal data we collect includes your first name, email address. We may communicate with you in the form of a newsletter, social mention, direct message, or email. This is so we can update you about our company, its events, products, services, industry news, and similar. We’ll always provide an opt-out button in case you don’t want to hear from us anymore.

In this case, the lawful basis for processing your data is that it is consented to.

How We Protect Your Data

 All information you provide to us is stored on our secure, dedicated servers and is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible.

Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential.

Where we have provided you (or where you have chosen) a password or user ID which enables you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this information confidential. We ask you not to share a password or user ID with anyone. Also remember to sign off your account and close your browser window when you have finished your visit. This ensures that others cannot access your account, especially if you are sharing a computer with someone else or using a computer in a public place.

We do not store any of your financial data on our servers. All payments are hosted securely by our nominated third party payment provider - PayPal.

Where possible, we keep your data inside the EEA. Where we don’t, the following safeguards are in place:

  • We use Facebook Pixel for website analytics, and your data may be transferred outside of the EU. When this happens, your data is protected by the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks, adhered to by Facebook
  • We use Google Analytics for website analytics, and your data may be transferred outside of the EU. When this happens, your data is protected by the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks, adhered to by Google Analytics.
  • If you’ve joined our mailing list, your name and email is stored with MailChimp on their data servers in the US. MailChimp has self-certified to both the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield regimes, and lawfully transfers EU/EEA personal data to the U.S. pursuant to their Privacy Shield Certification.

When We Share Your Data

As an e-commerce business reliant on cloud technologies, your data will be shared with some third-party companies. When we share your data with third-parties we conduct an impact assessment to ensure that your data remains protected. The instances when we transfer data to a third-party are:

  • When data is sent to Facebook Pixel to track site visitors
  • When data is sent to Google Analytics to monitor behavior and traffic to our website
  • When you sign-up to receive email communications from us and your name and email are stored in MailChimp
  • When data is sent to Mailgun for sending, receiving and tracking emails sent through our website
  • When data is sent to shipping companies such as Federal Express, UPS or Brinks in order to expediate the delivery of your purchases

We store your data in accordance with the We do not sell or trade your Personal Information to any outside parties.

What Your Rights Are

You have the right to request access to your personal data, make amendments to it, or ask for it to be deleted. To ask for a copy of the personal data that we hold on you please contact us. We’ll ask you for copies of two types of approved identity document in order to process your request (for example: passport and driving license). You can also ask us to make corrections to the data you consider to be inaccurate. Should you have any questions about our processing of your personal data please email us at


How We Use Cookies

A cookie is a small file (typically letters and numbers) which may be placed on your computer when you access our website. Through the cookie we can recognize your computer and browsing activity if you return to the website. This helps us to optimize your visits. If you’d like more information on cookies click here.

We use Google Analytics which allows us to collect information about how you use our site. If you access our website directly (and not via an email) your visits will be tracked anonymously. We use Google Analytics in order to understand how our website is being used in order to improve the experience for you. All user data is anonymous.

We use social buttons such as Facebook and Instagram to share or bookmark pages on our site or email updates. Those sites may collect information about your internet activity, including if your visit to our site (even if you don’t click on the button if you’re logged on to their site).

You should check the privacy and cookies policy of each of these sites to see how they use your information and find out how to opt out and delete such information.

You are able to manage cookies. For more information click here. If you want to block all cookies all of the time you can set your computer preferences to do so.


Please be aware that our website may contain links to other sites and is not responsible for the privacy policy of those other sites. Our collection of information refers only to those practices as stated on our website.